Poem-a-day Project
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
  Do Your Best

Do your best
With what you have
Just try hard
And you'll be glad

You're the only you
There will EVER be
Don't waste your time
Not liking your "me!"

You can wish and wish,
A thousand times,
But you'll still be you,
When you open your eyes.

Be happy you're here,
On this beautiful planet,
Be proud of being John,
Jim or Joseph or Janet!

Love your nose and your arms,
And your hair, legs and teeth,
For these are the things,
That make you unique.

They don't like you? Who cares!
Can't you possibly see?
That they don't see the you,
The you - you call "me!"

You're beautiful now,
Just the way you are,
So stop wishing for changes,
On ill-fated stars.

So look in the mirror,
And think hard for a while,
Only YOU can turn
That frown to a smile!

So be thankful for "you",
For goodness sake,
You could be staring back
At a rat or a snake.

Trudge on and on
Cuz forever you'll be
The ONLY one
That you can call "me."

Now - go! Do your best!
Whatever it takes!
And give life itself,
Your greatest of greats!

(c) 2003 Joy Marrs
Writing a poem a day like Emily Dickenson.

2003-03-09 / 2003-03-16 / 2003-03-23 / 2003-06-22 / 2003-12-14 /

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